The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is a collection of community and school-based activities designed to improve the health and well-being of students and the community at large.
What does SRTS offer students?
· The opportunity to make walking and bicycling to school safer and more accessible
· Help to increase the number of children who choose to walk and bicycle
· This includes students with disabilities
What can SRTS do for the community?
· Can ease traffic congestion near the school
· Improve air quality
· Improve the community’s overall quality of life
· Provides primary grade teachers with evidence-based lesson plans. These can be paired with SRTS activities or be stand-alone lessons
Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
- Columbus Public Health’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs aim to improve the sense of safety and security within our neighborhoods by:
Promoting safe walking and biking to school for children in Columbus City Schools
- Encouraging positive change and community building through strengthening ties between families, neighbors, schools, and local organizations
The culture shift inspired by SRTS leads to countless benefits, including:
- Increasing the number of children who get the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day.
- Improving the sense of safety and security within neighborhoods
- Strengthening ties between families, neighbors, schools, and local organizations in efforts to encourage positive change and community building
- Reducing traffic, noise, and air pollution in school zones